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will you adjust this clock it’s slow
我请人调整自行车的车闸  detail>>
slave clock adjust
副钟调整  detail>>
sas slow adjust screw
慢车调整螺丝  detail>>
slow adjust screw
慢车调整螺丝  detail>>
how slow you read
你读得真慢  detail>>
 vt.  1.调准(望远镜等),对准,校正,校准(机械等)。 2.调整;整理,整顿。 3.核算(盈亏)。 4.【保险】评定(赔偿要求)。&...  detail>>
adjust to
(使)适应于,把...调节到 调整;调节;使适合;使便于使用 调整至 适应. 适应,调整 适应于  detail>>
to adjust
整修  detail>>
have you set the alarm clock
你设好闹钟了吗  detail>>
girlnow can you slow down
女孩:“现在你可以慢下来了吧?”  detail>>
would you slow down please
清说慢一点好吗  detail>>
you gotta, slow down, before you know
你需要,停下,在你明白之前  detail>>
you can never turn the clock back
时光不能倒流  detail>>
but hell eay you up from inside slow
但你从地狱相交内缓慢  detail>>
but if you really want me, move it slow
但如果你真的需要我,用实际行动  detail>>
you must slow down your car
你必须把车子开慢  detail>>
a clock
一个闹钟  detail>>
 n.  1.钟;挂钟,座钟,上下班计时计。 2.〔俚语〕记秒表,卡马表;〔美俚〕〔pl.〕驾驶仪表,速度表,里程计。 3.〔英俚〕(人的)面孔。&n...  detail>>